
Westboro Baptist Church Fails to Show Ugly Heads at Charlie Daniels Concert in Branson

Lines of counter protesters were ready to put the WBC
in their place.

The Westboro Baptist Church billed it as the protest against the Devil's fiddler. They had planned to protest the Charlie Daniels concert in Branson, Missouri, tonight, but as of 7:30, when I left the mansion theater, the controversial cult of attorneys had not shown up.

Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Charlie Daniels

However, a mix of Tea Party, veterans, patriotic Americans, members of the gay community, and neocon Tera Sukman of the Branson Tea Party Patriot HQ had formed a line on both sides of the street in protest to the ugly actions of the Westboro Church, a church that preaches hate and intolerance and does Christianity a disservice. The church is infamous for its God Hates Fags Web site and protesting soldiers funerals.

Eric Farris of the Branson Tea Party, not to be confused with the neocon Branson Tea Party Patriot HQ, says "the Branson Tea Party supported counter-protest of the Westboro Baptist Church was a huge success!"

Farris notes WBC showed up as well, although I didn't see them by the time I left Branson. Farris writes, "WBC showed up, saw all the people, and turned around and left. Thank you so much to everyone who came out to support our nation's troops and to say no the WBC's hate."

The Mansion Theater had made sure the WBC would feel welcome by posting American flags, the POW/MIA flag, and a flag representing each branch of the service. As well, many businesses in Branson put "we support our troops" on their signs.

Here are a couple videos of tonight's protest of the Westboro Baptist Church: