
Russ Carnahan Make the 10 Most Endangered Democrats After Redistricting List

Russ Carnahan is one of the most worthless members of Congress. His family name, not brains, took him to Washington, and his use of thug-like tactics, enforced by St. Louis unions, have shown how far Carnahan is willing to go to keep his job and avoid criticism. However, that's not enough to keep Russ off the 10 most endangered Democrats after redistricting list.

The National Journal writes:

At this point, Carnahan appears to have come to terms with the fact that the state's Republicans -- and perhaps his two Democratic colleagues in the Show Me State delegation -- have thrown him under the bus. With his district all but certain to be parceled out four ways, Carnahan may move out of St. Louis City to embark on an uphill battle in GOP Rep. Todd Akin's conservative suburban 2nd District. It would be less of a suicide mission than running in a primary against African-American Rep. William Lacy Clay (D) in the 1st CD, but not by much.

Bye bye Russ. The Carnahan Dynasty in Missouri is falling.