
Apparently Freedom of Speech Doesn't Protect One from Reading the Bible in Public

Mark Mackey began reading his Bible outside of a California DMV. It didn't take long for the police to show up and arrest him. That's right, reading the Bible now gets you arrested in California.

A California Highway Patrolman took the Bible from his hands, arrested him, and told him he was guilty of preaching to a “captive audience.”

The crime they charged the man with was a bill that was passed to protect business owners from protesters who block the entrances of their building,Penal Code Section 602.1. However, this gentleman was just standing outside reading his Bible out loud. The video shows at the time of arrest, they were standing more than 50 feet from the entrance of the building.

Oh but guess what. If the man was a member of a labor union, he could rightfully block the entrance without fear of arrest. The law doesn't apply to union thugs--just Bible readers.

(c) This section shall not apply to any of the following persons:
(1) Any person engaged in lawful labor union activities that are
permitted to be carried out on the property by state or federal law.

Thanks CHiPs, the people of California are safe from this Bible reader. They should throw the book at him, literally. Geez! How dare he read the Bible without a union card!