
After Overwhelmingly Voting for Obama, California Students Don't Want to Pay National Debt

Since Obama took office, the national debt has risen faster than under any other president. When Obama took office, the debt was a little over $10 trillion. Just over two years later the debt is over $14 trillion. Guess what, under certain conditions the same kids who voted for this hope and change want nothing to do with paying this national debt back. Surely you aren't surprised!

Would those college students sign a pledge vowing to pay their approximate $47,000 share? The answer?

Well, there was this: “I don’t contribute to the national debt.”

This: “I don’t have any debt.”

And this: “It’s not my debt.”

Oh, but they will probably vote more more of that hope and change crap ignoring the obvious cost, and you know they have their hands out for student loans and Pell Grants. Of course, it's not their debt.