
Is Trump Setting Up an Obama Victory in 2012?

One has to wonder if Donald Trump is intentionally setting up an Obama victory in 2012 by splitting the vote like Ross Perot did in 1992. We already know Trump viciously attacked George W. Bush as the worst president ever and built Obama up. As well, Trump has always donated to more Democrats than Republican and was often on the left side of key issues. Suddenly, very recently, Trump claims this conversion to the right. Why now?

Does anyone else find it ironic that for all the battles Trump decided to pick against Barack Obama, the birth certificate became the primary focus? Now Trump wants Obama to release his school records. So whatever plan Trump has in motion it continues. Could Trump be baiting Obama's fiercest critics and the birthers to gain his political following?

Now let's put another piece of the puzzle together. Trump has alluded that if he doesn't win the Republican primary that he might run as an independent. This would assuredly put Obama back in the White House for another four years.

We must realize Trump is playing a dangerous game and is driving it with illogical rhetoric for someone sincerely seeking the White House. Remember, John McCain for whatever reason decided not to go down that road, despite the Clintons brining it up in hopes of Hillary overtaking Obama in the Democratic primary. If the Clinton machine couldn't find the Kenyan or Indonesia birth certificate why would Donald Trump dare bring it up.

Then or course today's drama with Obama suddenly releasing it, breaking into national television, with Trump ready at the helm to respond does seem a little staged. So we must get to the bottom of this. Is Trump the spoiler for the Republican party that ensures that Obama gets another four years? It's very possible.