
ThinkProgress Blames Republicans and Not God for Recent Tornadoes

Why are liberals considered the intellectual elites in this country. The tornadoes that have swept through parts of the United States are now being blamed on conservative Congressmen who have rejected the doctored up global warming claims. Remember when Hadley CRU got caught cooking the books?

ThinkProgress writes, "The congressional delegations of these states — Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia, and Kentucky — overwhelmingly voted to reject the science that polluting the climate is dangerous. They are deliberately ignoring the warnings from scientists."

Didn't Michigan get hit by a tornado too? I wonder what their excuse for that is considering the lunacy of the left in Michigan influenced heavily by the dying labor unions. Perhaps it was meant to hit neighboring Ohio and its Republican governor John Kasich. A miscalculation by Mother Nature probably caused by global warming too.