
CNBC on Demystifying the Federal Reserve

How out of touch in CNBC? Well a graphic underneath a story they were running about the rare press conference given by Ben Bernanke asks the question "If the Fed can't save us, who can?"

Why is it the very ideas of Jeffersonian government, that really is the foundation our Republic, cannot be acknowledged at times like these. The Federal Reserve isn't this magical entity that will cure the Republic's woes. No, it's a group of private bankers that are adding to them by controlling the money supply of the federal government--something Thomas Jefferson fought Alexander Hamilton over during the creation of our federal government. The Federal Reserve is the problem, and if you need an example, their insistence to print more money has caused your dollar to become worthless and that has driven up the cost of gasoline at the pump. Of course, this issue hits close to home right now, but there are so many other issues the Fed has had their hands in that have cost Americans dearly.

If you need an education to the evils of the Federal Reserve, take a few minutes to watch the following video. You will soon learn that unlike CNBC, you won't want the Federal Reserve to save you.