
Only 9% of Americans Approve of the Job of the New Congress: You Mean They Aren't Enjoying Billy Long's Silly Sound Bites?

Billy Long's silly sound bites and John Boehner's compromise with Democrats on the budget have done little to put a smile on voters' faces. The approval rating of Congress remains incredibly low, and why shouldn't it considering all the things the Republicans promised and quickly forgot--like the $100 billion in spending cuts, the end of Obamacare, just to name a few. (Been a while since you heard a Republican with fire in their belly slam Obamacare, right? I figure they got their vote in opposing it and are now enjoying the insurance lobby's benefits knowing they have their federal healthcare plan--which I predicted would eventually happen.)

From Rasmussen:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that nine percent (9%) now say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Fifty-six percent (56%) rate the Congressional performance as poor.

Positive grades for the legislators are down from 13% last month and are the lowest measured since December 2008. The number of voters who give Congress a poor grade is up seven points from last month and is the highest negative review since Republicans took control of the House in January.

Hey Billy, you have been there almost four months, and they are already "fed up" of you and the broken promises. One has to wonder if the Tea Party will begin looking at libertarian candidates if this trend continues. At this point, I would guess that has a lot to do with the debt ceiling vote coming up in a few days.