
Dick Morris Counts Mitt for Brains Romney Out of the 2012 Republican Primary

Dick Morris has a safe prediction. He isn't willing to name the candidate he thinks will win the Republican primary next year, but he can safely say Mitt for Brains Romney, the architect of Obamacare, won't be the last Republican standing.

Morris says the race is between four Republicans, including the opportunist that's ready to confiscate oil field around the world of sovereign countries, Donald Trump. Here's how Morris sees the 2012 Republican primary shaping up as shared on the Hannity show.

Donald Trump: "the issue has become 'is there a candidate that really knows what he's doing (competence)?'... "... and when you compare a guy who's made a billion dollars from dealing with the Chinese, who's got a net worth of seven, eight, ten billion- who's created hundreds of thousands of jobs, against a community organizer... that's a pretty good fight."

"... the issue is the economy, the issue is the whole country falling apart...and our whole economy going socialist. And you can't ask for any better spokesperson for the free-market... economic laissez faire "WIN" system
-and American exceptionalism- than Donald Trump.

If anything, he's a winner... and ultimately right now the United States needs a winner."

Michelle Bachmann: "What a refreshing candidate- intelligent, savvy... a tax lawyer... the only one who had the guts to vote against that phony deal that Boehner put down with Reed and Obama... a charismatic candidate."

Mike Huckabee:"I think Huckabee has a tremendous capacity to win, because he's really had the most exposure. He's shown himself to be a very likable, charismatic, warm, values-oriented person who's incredibly knowledgeable..."

Newt Gingrich: "...if we could ever get Newt Gingrich as the Republican nominee against Obama in a debate- everybody would pay to buy tickets to that"

"You have the intellectual thinker... but everyone's concerned about his negatives... he's got a year."