
Is the Latest Obama Birth Certificate Long Form a Forgery?

The drama surrounding Obama's birth certificate seems peculiar. Why did Obama wait so long to release something so easy to get. As well, why did the governor of Hawaii give up on his search to find the birth certificate a few weeks ago bragging that he knew of its existence and then failed to produce any evidence of it. Many are wondering if Obama and the government forged the birth certificate. The blog Self Evident Truths presents what they found when they began looking closely at the official PDF the White House released earlier today.

Obama's Birth Certificate Long Form

The Adobe PDF file has quite a few visual discrepancies. Here is the original that I've converted into a JPEG file so we can view it in Blogger. Click on it for a full-size version.

When I imported the original PDF document into Adobe Illustrator, I found ten different elements which makes up the image, including cut and pasted text and the well-known "Certificate of Live Birth" pasted on top of the green form.

Here's a look at the form, with all the elements outlined in bright red and with the Certificate of Live Birth form offset on the background. Click on it for a full-size version.

This is a manipulated document.