
Obama Will Keep His Seal on his College Records for the Time Being

What is Obama hiding? Fresh from a victory in forcing Obama to release something resembling a birth certificate that is creating more controversy for Obama, Donald Trump demanded Obama release his college records. Well that isn't going to happen, and you have to wonder why? Especially if Obama is this gifted student like the media sold him to be.

Valerie Jerrett addressed Trump's latest demand on the the Joe Madison Show.

"He's almost 50 years old and he's president of the United States and I don't think anybody would debate his intelligence and so now we need to get serious … let's just get serious and get back to focusing on what's important."

Hey Valerie, I am willing to debate his intelligence. The man is a political nincompoop. And I have Donald Trump backing me up on that one.

What was that Trump said earlier today in Las Vegas.

“Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people,” he said. “It’s just very, very sad.”

What were you saying about debating Obama's intelligence again, Ms. Jarrett?