Ronnie White is an American patriot. The retired army master sergeant has led the war against the introduction of the International Baccalaureate at Ozark High School in Southwest Missouri. While there is a silent group of opposition of teachers at Ozark High School too afraid for their jobs to speak up against the IB, White has become a vocal critic of the school board and administration for hiding the radical left-wing globalist agenda of the IB, and agenda that attacks American sovereignty, our Constitution, and Christianity.
White recently contacted Congressman Billy Long in hopes Long would show leadership after making a promise about returning local control of education at the Ozark Chamber of Commercer Congressional Candidate forum last spring. In typical Billy Long fashion, Long doesn't take a position and plays both sides of the fence. Notice how Long takes the time to address what is the IB without presenting the cons, rhetoric that White is well familiar with, which also shows that Long doesn't seem concerned with the IB's radical ties to the United Nations and radical environmental agendas.
The following is the response Congressman Long sent to Ronnie White:
Dear MSG White,
Thank you for contacting me regarding education and the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). I appreciate the benefit of your views.
The IBO was founded in 1968 to offer educational opportunities across international borders. The program encourages international-mindedness through the promotion of secondary language development, positive attitudes toward learning, and stresses the need for children to develop research, critical thinking, and reflection skills. IBO reaches around 930,000 students in 141 nations.
America's education system does not currently meet the standards that we demand and expect for our children. Our schools should be developing young minds in foundational disciplines such as mathematics, science, English, and history. These areas of learning are important for a child's future happiness by allowing them to successfully integrate as a productive member of society. Our schools should promote our unique American culture which unites us all on the basis of a shared ideology of personal liberty, economic freedom, and equality before the law. America's children should be able to stand firmly on the traditions and knowledge of our past as they shape a bright future for our nation.
However, I also believe that control over our children's education should be in the hands of local parents and teachers. A one-size fits all education program handed down by federal bureaucrats or Congressional decree will never succeed in providing the kind of education that our children need. The educational needs of a child in the Missouri's Seventh District are not the same as the needs of a child in New York or California. Whether IBO's curriculum is taught in our local schools is an issue that should be left up to the local School Board and individual parents, not Members of Congress.
Again, thank you for contacting me on this issue. Hearing the views of all Missourians gives me the opportunity to better understand how important issues could impact the people of our state and the future interests of the nation. I will closely monitor this issue if it comes before the U.S. House of Representative and in that context your views are very helpful.
For additional information regarding current legislation and my representation of the Seventh District, I invite you to visit my website at
Billy Long
Member of Congress
End of letter:
So it appears Long is okay with an international body having influence over our children as long as the local school board agrees to it, but he has a problem with the federal government having influence over education which many school boards are obviously supporting. Anyone see the hypocrisy here? While I oppose federal influence over education, I would like to believe the federal government will still promote American values in their education curriculum, but with the IB, you can't even count on that considering their radical associations.
For Billy Long, he doesn't want federal control in schools, but he does appear ok with the United Nations radical beliefs in schools.