
How did Banks in the United States Get in Such a Mess?: DEBT, Worthless Paper, and a Central Bank

Free money, loans to people who wouldn't ordinarily qualify for loans, and loans to people who didn't need the loan to begin with... This new video explains the origins of the current financial crisis. It's not hard to understand. It's debt--debt of the American government all the way down to your and my debt. The economy is built on debt.

Of course it's not as simple as that. It also has to do with the policy of the Federal Reserve. Someone has to print the money for banks to lend. This short video exposes the evil of the Federal Reserve--a private central bank the federal government has no authority over despite the Constitutional responsibility of the US Congress to regulate the dollar. Of course, that led to worthless paper backed by nothing. Since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the United States has walked a dangerous road.