
How the United Nations is Manipulating Education in America Through the International Baccalaureate

Throughout America in little towns like Ozark, Missouri, the United Nations is infiltrating the American education system. The International Baccalaureate is part of the UN's UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and it doesn't have the Constitutional freedoms assured to Americans in its best interest. It's agenda is a globalist agenda that promotes the redistribution of wealth, a radical human rights doctrine that violates the freedoms we are guaranteed in the United States, pantheism that devalues Christianity, and of course a radical left-wing environmental agenda. School districts like Ozark Missouri, which are in conservative America loving, God fearing communities are pushing this agenda through with the promise of better education while lying to parents about the radical associations of the International Baccalaureate.

Karen Schoen has written an excellent article on the truth about the IB. She starts with the tale of Donny Harwood, a Tennessee parent who began looking into the IB agenda as his local school began pushing it. She then goes on to expose further truths about the IB. If your child goes to Ozark School or any school that pushes the IB or is about to implement it, you need to take a few minutes to learn about Mr. Harwood and the IB.

Donny went to a Bradley County TN school board meeting to express his worries over a vote on a UN agenda in the school system. He was met with disrespect, by at least one school board member. This is his story.
The Master Plan
Make no mistake, These programs are not about EDUCATION. They are about Money and POWER.
Marc Tucker proposes to accomplish this massive shift of political power by:
1. Eliminating Local School Boards.
2. Shift teacher's employment and compensation from local boards to the state. Require that students pass
10th grade tests, based on UN content standards, in order to be free to continue in a school. If they fail,
they shold not continue in school
3. Make free college preparatory education (based on UN content standards) available for all present
4. Establish universal pre-school for all children inserting the UN's curriculum into pre-school education, as
well as child care
5. Create regional development authorities that will plan economic development as well as education in
areas larger than states. These authorities will be given the power to tax and will take over what little
authority the states have left.
6. Have states take over teacher training which can be expected to require teachers to follow the UN value
system. (Private colleges that train teachers will be out of luck. Private colleges will also lose their right
to determine who may attend their colleges and who may not, because admission requirements will be
dictated by, and measured by, the government.)
7. Establish merit-pay for teachers who best meet the goals of the plan.
8. Tucker's cost estimate for his plan is as ludicrous as the claims he makes for it. He says it will cost $7.8
billion per year more than we are now paying. That estimate assumes that his goals, such as having
95% of students perform so well they will succeed in college, actually happen. If his fanciful objectives
do not occur, the cost of his plan could mushroom to $75 billion per year (

Look how far this evil has progressed. So far Americans have given up:  Our Borders, Our Energy, Our Resources, Our Industry, Our Agriculture, Our Middleclass, Our Land, Our Fishing, Our Food, Our Healthcare and Our Economy.  And now we are finding out about Our Education.
Over the past 30 years Americans have spent trillions of dollars on Education with a poor result. 
Ask yourself, "are we insane to do the same things over and over and expect different results?  
For the past few months, our research team has uncovered evidence American education has been shifting control to the United Nation and UNESCO curriculum.

Please verify for yourself.  Please share this information.  Look

Who's Idea was Teacher Tenure?
Read Marc Tucker, NCLB and RTT advisor, in his own words about what he has been doing and intends to do to American education. Read the pdf here 

How many states are following the elimination of teacher tenure thinking it was their idea?

How many teachers are mad at their State Officials when their venom should be pointed at the Obama Administration?

Indoctrination of teachers can only happen when teachers are forced to comply with the Anti-American curriculum attached to Race to the Top (RTT). If teachers have tenure, they can refuse to comply.  Instead of the Unions exposing RTT as the initiator of elimination of tenure, they pit the teachers against their State Legislators in a divide and conquer strategy.  Teachers, we have been played.  
Are dumb down students becoming dumb down adults who become our dumb down Congress?
Think about the state of our current education programs and how dumb our students have become. 

I doubt if true economics is even taught any more. Why? 
Why can't Congress pass a bill cutting spending or entitlements?  Why there is no outrage?
Dumb students who become dumb adults (some serve in Congress) no longer understand Liberty and Freedom, Economics, Government, Civics and the Rights awarded them through the US Constitution. Therefore, future voters won't miss Freedom when it is gone. This indoctrination is in our schools today and is not a Republican or Democrat issue. All sides are involved. Could that be why Bills are not read and just passed in the middle of the night?  Why are Americans forced to follow Bills that are harmful to America, that our legislators never read?  Perhaps we have the same dumbed down legislators with poor reading ability.  Are Legislators afraid to allow the public to read the bills because the American public might actually, "get the consequences of nonsense legislation?"  

It is time to purge our schools and bring American education back to America.

30 years of American taxpayers paying for an inferior, Anti-American education MUST STOP.

It is up to us, the American patriots to become the watchdogs of content in our schools.
You must check your own state education and advise your legislators.  In Florida we have discovered hundreds of errors in most texts.

The best way to stop this indoctrination is on a state level. Legislators must be advised.  Many Legialators do not understand what they are signing on to.  Today there is little due dilligence on many of these fancy expensive programs having little factual, educational merrit.  Do any legislators know what Race to the Top, IB  or AICE really means?  These programs are rooted in UN propaganda. Google them yourself.  Not only are these programs much more expensive than necessary, but for the last 30 years, the results of this indoctrination have been inferior and American students are losing their competitive edge in the World. Instead of promoting American excellence, students are taught to believe America is the oppressor and "Social Justice and the Good of the Collective." following the Communist Manifesto supported by the UN and UNESCO supersedes the US Bill of Rights and US Constiutution.

Action Today Is Needed
The time to take action is now before one more child is indoctrinated in American schools with Anti-American programs.

The elimination of the American Middle Class is the most important goal necessary to complete UN Globalization.

America is the key, and the key to America is its schools.  Watch President Obama as he directs most of his propaganda at the youth.  Why? Students are most impressionable and have little or no life experience.  Students with out a historical or economical reference are easliy lead. Students don't learn that these communist programs have NEVER WORKED.
Why are we, the taxpayer being forced to pay to support Anti-American indoctrination in our schools turning out Anti-American students?

Where is the Congressional oversight?
Once American Freedom and Sovereignty is erased from your child's vocabulary, a Global take over will follow.

Look how far this evil has progressed.

So far Americans have given up: 
Our Schools, Our Borders, Our Energy, Our Resources, Our Industry, Our Agriculture, Our Middleclass, Our Land, Our Fishing, Our Food, Our Healthcare and Our Economy.

American Freedom and Sovereignty are worth the fight.
If we can not take back our schools now, when? 
 Until the UN take over of our education is exposed, American schools will continue to turn out the same dumbed down, anti-American student  with poor grades. Listen to the interviews of the students at the various demonstrations. Their comments make no sense.

The problem is not the teacher, technology, choice or pay that dictates the education of the child.  It is the curriculum. 

An Anti American curriculum, using Anti-American texts and Anti-American programs produces a divided, dumb, Anti-American populace.  Welcome to your "New World Order." 
 Read the Solution for Florida Education here>>
 by Karen Schoen,
American Freedom Watch