
Is Billy Long Playing Games With Billy Long Auctions and Murney Associates?

Billy Long appears to be playing games. Less than two weeks ago, Long was hesitant to answer any questions about the status of Billy Long Auction. Long told voters he was having to sacrifice for them to go to Washington, and one of those sacrifices is he was being forced to sell his businesses--Billy Long Auctions and Murney Associates.

For the past month, Breitbart's Bob McCarty has been trying to track the truth about where Long stands on parting with his life's work so that he can serve honorably in Congress. Long's office gave McCarty the runaround initially ignoring his request, claiming it got lost in the shuffle. They eventually wrote McCarty an e-mail saying Billy Long is only focused on reporters in the 7th District. Shortly after, two interviews came out with Long showing Long's office wasn't being truthful with McCarty.

So Congressman Long has returned to the district, and the softball paper known as the Springfield News-Leader does their typical lob to home plate. They ask Long about the auctioneer business and take his word for it without assuring the reader Congressman Long is telling the truth. As well, the News-Leader forgets that other part of the equation--the bigger sacrifice--Long's 1/3 share in Murney Associates.

The News-Leader reports without asking Congressman Long if he has parted with Murney Associates as well, "Seventh District Congressman Billy Long said he has dissolved his auction company, in accordance with Congressional rules."

What does that mean? Randy Turner must not have been sold on the News-Leader's weak reporting because he went to the Secretary of State's Web site just like I did a few weeks ago, which gained the interest of the Breitbart reporter. There has been no status change in Billy Long auctions according to the state of Missouri.

So it appears this story isn't done yet. What is the real status of Long's promise to voters? Has he parted with his fiduciary businesses or did he hope he could get away with claiming it was sold and everyone would be happy with his answer?