
Kung Fu Fighting Song Now Considered Racist: Local Band Gets Arrested

Remember that lovable song, a one-hit wonder, Kung Fu Fighting that regained popularity thanks to Chris Farley's Beverly Hill Ninja? Well the song now is officially considered racist by the Chinese. Apparently some Chinese people got their feelings hurt when it was played in the bar.

So here is my Casey Kasem song dedication to the Chinese who obviously don't have a sense of humor with this silly song.

The Sun:

Simon Ledger, the singer, said: “We were performing Kung Fu Fighting, as we do during all our sets. People of all races were loving it. Chinese people have never been offended by it before.
“But this lad walking past with his mum called us w*****s and did the hand sign before taking a picture on his mobile phone.

“We hadn’t even seen them when we started the song. He must have phoned the police.

“They phoned me when I was in a Chinese restaurant that night. They arranged to meet me and I was arrested.

The Isle of Wight Gazette:

“I thought it was a joke but they were serious. They seemed pretty amazed but said the law is the law and it was their duty. It’s political correctness gone potty.”

Simon added: “There are plenty of Welsh people at our shows – does it mean I can’t play any Tom Jones?”

Bar owner Sean Ware said: “The song is in no way racist and nor is Simon. There is no way he would abuse anyone.

“He didn’t start the song just because Chinese people were walking past. He had already started playing it.”

Simon, who is on bail until today, wrote on Facebook: “If the lad who phoned the police is reading this, WHAT IS WONG WITH YOU? Sorry, what is wrong with you?”