
Scary Sluts Take the Streets of Texas

Slut walk? I thought the word slut was a discouraging word. Apparently from Toronto down to Texas women have something to say and they are using the word slut to get your attention.

I love sluts t-shirts for sale from
vendors attending the event.

Basically, women want the right to dress up on sexually provocative clothing that says "I'm easy" and not have to fear getting raped. Of course, when you see the women marching, well... I'm not going to say it. You can be the judge.

While rape is a horrible crime, when women dress up to sell themselves as sexual objects, they need to expect they will be treated as sexual objects. It's the law of the jungle. There is a rule in life that I tend to believe after living in Chicago for nearly 15 years. If you don't want to be a victim of a crime, then don't put yourself in a position where you are more likely to become a victim. Wearing something that screams sex raises the desire of men you might not want to even think about being with.

Why clothes should never be blamed for a rapist's actions, they are encouragement none-the-less.