
The United Nations, The International Baccalaureate, and Pantheism: The Radical Agenda is Becoming Clear

American classrooms are beginning to adopt a radical left-wing globalist agenda called the International Baccalaureate. Even in conservative, small-town communities like Ozark, Missouri, school board officials are doing their damnedest to hide the radical left-wing agenda of the IB.

Now the IB comes with the loving endorsement of the United Nations. The IB's goal is not to promote American values that are evident in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Rather, the goals are to promote ideas like the devaluing of Christianity and the shining endorsement of Pantheism. Pantheism is the view that the Universe (Nature) and God are identical--which is new age mumbo jumbo that goes as far as worshiping the earth, something the Christian Bible warns about.

Now you have to understand the IB is a product of the United Nations. Thus, the UN's influence on the IB is evident. The following story from the American Spectator once again reminds of the dangers the UN and IB present to our American values.

Bolivia's president Morales, having achieved the establishment of pantheism as his country's official religion, has taken his religious agenda to the UN, which has acceded to his wishes by establishing April 22 as Mother Earth Day, thus establishing the worship of the goddess Pachamama (known as Gaia in other circles).

Normally, one would react to a UN resolution giving goddess Mother Earth the same rights as humans with a yawn. But Morales, his Green supporters, fellow globalists, believers in liberation theology and the Marxist dialectic take the resolution quite seriously, as the UN is seen as an international vehicle for accomplishing goals long in the making.

One would suppose the UN would be committed to cultural and religious diversity, eschewing the establishment of a global religion, given the fact it has representatives from countries around the world. But as it turns out, the UN has long had an interest in a global government and universal religion.

Now it's important to note the IB is part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The IB promotes pantheism in their curriculum. Little towns across the United States that hold Christian values near and dear are being infiltrated by this globalist agenda in classrooms that provide the IB curriculum or are pushing for it in the classroom like Ozark High School. (Funny, one of the number one supporters of the International Baccalaureate in Ozark is Dr. Gordon Pace, a member of James River Assembly church and a graduate of a religious college, Evangel University.) In other words, this globalist agenda of the UN and their educational curriculum known as the International Baccalaureate want to ensure the name Jesus Christ is forever banned from classrooms.