
Will Congressman Billy Long be Implicated in Federal Election Commission Investigation of Defeat Nodler Web Site

For those who followed the 2010 Congressional campaign in Southwest Missouri, there were a number of anti candidate sites that popped up throughout the campaign. While most of them were opposing then candidate Billy Long, one site maintained an anonymous registration. That site was Defeat Nodler, and depending on who funded the site, it could be a violation of federal election laws.

The site was the first of the anti candidate sites to appear on the Internet last year. At first, the site attacked Republican Gary Nodler, even creating a caricature of the "King of Joplin" running around in a field with a Burger King crown on. The site quickly forgot Nodler though, and it began attacking other candidates (except for Billy Long) and it quickly became focused on Long's most vocal critic, the author of the Long is Wrong blog.

Now why would a site dedicated to exposing Gary Nodler begin focusing on almost every candidate except for Billy Long? Why would it also attack Long's most vocal critics?

Well that's an answer the Federal Election Commission should answer. You see the site may have been illegally funded by the Billy Long campaign. If it was bought and paid for by Long without reporting the expense or placing the proper verbiage on the site showing ownership by the Long campaign, then Long would be in violation of FEC laws.

It may or may not be easy to prove. Ownership comes down to who registered the domain and is there a paper trail to Congressman Long. The site is definitely textbook Jeff Roe, who was a paid advisor of the Long campaign, but it also may be connected to Long though a Chicago political consulting company that may also be implicated in a false e-mail sent to Southwest Missouri media the Friday before the election claiming Scott Eckersley had quit the congressional race against Long.

Rumor is today, there will be an investigation conducted by the Federal Election Commission concerning the Defeat Nodler site. If Long's fingerprints are anywhere near the site, it could mean trouble for Long, who is already the subject of an FBI investigation regarding the fraudulent Eckersley e-mail.