
Would John Stone Be on Billy Long's Enemies List if He Were Alive?

Long before today's current generation of Southwest Missouri bloggers were calling Congressman Billy Long out for his inconsistencies and hypocrisies, blogger John Stone was defining the future Congressman. Stone paid attention to the things Long said on KWTO, and he often wrote of them on his blog, "The Curbstone Critic."

One has to wonder, considering Stone's criticism of Long, if he would have been paid a visit from the FBI, like another blogger critic of Long's was earlier this year. Stone painted Congressman Long as a racist, going even as far as attacking the wife of Martin Luther King, who is no doubt a champion of liberty and freedom, after she passed away. King's family has been a champion on many issues, including even recently when King's niece attacked Planned Parenthood for using MLK's image, citing that MLK would not be an advocate for abortion. Yet, we have this entry about Long:

But he has a bad habit of collecting talking points from KKKarl Rove every morning and then mindlessly repeating them, as he did this morning. By slimeing the funeral of Coretta Scott King. He didn't like it -- said it was too political -- I choked on my oatmeal. That's the same way they threw slime all over Paul Wellstone after practically his entire family was wiped out. And by the way, Billy, who the hell asked for your opinion on this woman's funeral anyway. Who in the world gives a flying fuck at a rolling donut hole what the hell you think about it? When you are dead and gone ... no one will care. Her name will be remembered for hundreds of years.

When you think about it what is the difference between Billy slimeing the funeral of Coretta Scott King, who he didn't know, and the Rev. Fred Phelps, of the Westboro Baptist Church slimeing the funerals of soldiers that he didn't know either?

Billy Long is a vile racist ... but he would deny it ... which only shows how badly out of touch he really is ... perhaps if he had black neighbors, or lived in New Orleans, or was poor, or had the man on his back all day, he would be a little more gracious to those who are less fortunate than he is. But I doubt it. Coming from an area that ran the blacks out years ago.

So I dedicate this song, sung by the Pigman on Billy's radio station, hisself as an inspiration to Billy Long.

 Other entries describing Long include:

October 5, 2004: "Billy Long, a local businessman, who is willing to put his livlihood on the line to be a whore for any freep idea that comes down the line on his radio program on radio KWTO."

February 22, 2005: "Billy Long, a local used car salesman, and peddler of anything and everything, and a good Repug, said something that makes my IQ of 64 look like Einstein."

September 14, 2005: "Billy Long got up early this morning to memorize the latest "talking points" memo for right-wing radio. Unfortunately, he actually believed it, since he didn't bother doing any checking of his own."

Yes it does sound like Stone would have been a candidate for Long's enemies list that was turned over to the FBI.