
Best Comments About Billy Long From the Breitbart Big Government Article

Andrew Breitbart's Big Government asked the question yesterday, did Billy Long bluff the voters of Southwest Missouri. Noting Long is a World Poker Tour professional, they looked at a promise Long made about selling his businesses before going to Washington and ask the question why is Congressman Long avoiding questions about the sell of his auction house and his 1/3 ownership of Murney Associates.

The responses gathered from readers are classic. Here is a sampling:

Quite frankly, if this guy is gonna go after private citizens for asking questions, he's done. I don't care what his voting record is. If an individual represents a real threat to life or limb, the congressman would be more than justified. 

I don't think so. 

The people of Missouri had better get their collective craniums extracted from their rectal reaches. 

McCaskill?, Carnahan(s)? and now this guy? 

This is how Illinois went down the tubes. Don't make the same mistake, Missouri.

If I shook hands with this character, I'd count my fingers on release. 
We'll see how he votes, but he seems shady to me. 

Ann :-( Fast talkers.

Keep the SUNSHINE on the probable double dealing RINO! DISINFECTANT TIME!!!

Nicely written..................and investigated. 

Soros would be proud of Mr. Long's deception and dishonesty.

Just another politician who will say anything when campaigning and hope no one will remember later. Keep the light on this guy.
Truth, meet Rep. Billy Long. rep. Long, meet the truth.

Apparently him or his staff didn't believe the Tea Partys, Breibart, etal would be watching them. Well Hello? You work for us. Remember us? "We The People".+2
If Long is not going to answer the question, then just SAY IT. Don't hide behind a "district press" statement which is the worst excuse I've ever heard. So if FOX News, CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, O'Reilly, Hannity, Rush, on and on say they want Mr. Long to appear for another topic on one of their shows, are you telling me he will turn them ALL down because he is "focused" on district press. 

Just freaking say that you misspoke, or you've figured out that you can put your hard earned business in a blind trust, and you appreciate the fact that voters got you in. Stop running from questions, it makes you look soft.
What's the name of the floating fat pervert from the Dune movie? Baron Harkonen? Creepy.

Yet another "Poster Boy" for Moochelle's (the Wookie) "Obesity" Ponzi Scheme. 
Hmmm, ya think Holder's Injustice Department will get wind of this one ???

I mean, ......c'mon Missouri. What next....some used car salesman? 
I thought you folks were smarter than this. 

To be completely fair, shysters are going to go for office under the Tea Party banner. Got to do a better job of vetting these people. This guys sounds like a squishy opportunist. 


squishy opportunist. 
The people are awake and they are watching. The decades of status quo are no more .No more secrets. No more empty promises and out right lies. No more double speak. Perform your duties with integrity and due diligence in the full light of day or the voters will see to it that you are left in the dark.

FUNK ........huh?...... Thats exactly what it smells like....FUNK!!!
Keep your eye on the actions of all of these congress critters, regardless of the letter behind their name!

He has a "fiduciary business" that's worth "absolutely nothing", and he owns 1/3 of a real estate business that's worth "absolutely nothing". He sounds like a man looking for better job.

lol Bob....this seems like a good one to enjoy and keep public...i'm laughing so hard i'm about gettin caught with your pants down....PLEASE keep us posted on any updates....i'm tempted to move to his dictrict just so i can ask questions!