
Billy Long Announces Winner in Congressional Art Contest for Missouri 7: Aaron Conway

Billy Long may have not proposed any spending cuts since he got to Washington, but he has announced a lot of winners over the past couple weeks starting off with the National Auctioneers Association, as the first bill he has proposed on the House floor will declare the third Saturday in April National Auctioneers Day.

Long has announced another winner today. Long has declared Aaron Conway the official winner of the Missouri 7th Congressional District art contest. The title of Conway's art obviously got the quick attention of Congressman Long, who has engaged in a shameful crusade of self-promotion since getting to Washington. It should be noted the National Auctioneers Association PAC made a huge donation to Billy Long's congressional campaign.

The title of Conway's work: "Hi, My Name is Aaron."

Congratulations to Aaron Conway for his victory. His painting will hang near Congressman Long's office, who will probably try to auction it off for campaign cash sometime before the election next year.

Of course, the real loser in all of this is the American people, especially the voters of Southwest Missouri who voted for Billy Long because he said he was fed up with the status quo in Washington, DC. National Auctioneer Day, National Golf Day, "Hi, My Name is Aaron," and other nonsense Congressman Long engages in with no Constitutional authority given in Article One Section Eight continues to add the national debt, as the America people continue to lose as we push the limits of the debt ceiling once again. No offence Aaron, but it would be a better world for you if Long would forget about art contests and National Auctioneer Day and focus on proposing real spending cuts that will reduce the debt. Despite all Congressman Long's promises, he hasn't proposed one dime in spending cuts, while sponsoring bills that will increase the size of government (If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011) and voting to continue federal funding of NASCAR teams. This debt will be passed on to Aaron Conway and other kids like him.

Perhaps you should make a statement next year Aaron and paint a self portrait titled "Hi, My Name is Aaron and I am About to be Taxed Into Enslavement Thanks to Politicians Like Billy Long."

Conway is from Mount Vernon, Missouri, and today's contest was held at the library center off of South Campbell in Springfield, MO.