
James Hubbard Named Indoctrinator and Chief of Ozarks International Baccalaureate

James Hubbard will be the smiling face of the International Baccalaureate at Ozark High School. The assistant principle has been named International Baccalaureate Coordinator, which means the tax payers of Ozark will have to foot a bill for another salary that isn't needed at a time where the school board has delivered some tough messages for students as the budget tightens.

In case you aren't familiar with the IB, it is an educational curriculum that is derived from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to promote globalism and a one-world government. Sold with the rhetoric of better education, the IB promotes the United Nation's anti-American left-wing agenda that includes the belief of the redistribution of wealth, disarming Americans through the United Nations Human Rights Doctrine, and Pantheism--the belief that Mother Earth is God. This is the agenda Hubbard will be selling to Ozark students with a smile as more local control of the school district is handed over to an international governing body that endorses such radical organizations like the George Soros sponsored Earth Charter.

Ozark Schools through Hubbard, Dr. Gordon Pace, and others aren't committed to providing better education to the children of Ozark, they are committed to providing better indoctrination as they continue to shut parents out of the discussion hiding the radical associations of the International Baccalaureate. They obviously understand Karl Marx's rule of education that the key to revolution is through the classroom, and if parents were more in tune with the radical endorsements of the IB, they wouldn't allow their children to participate in the curriculum. Of course Hubbard and Pace aren't going to discuss these details with you.