
Billy Long Has a Dependency Problem: Congressman Long Addicted to OPM

Billy Long always is quick to provide a sound bite. Many in Southwest Missouri, who heard Long make promise after promise during the campaign season as he declared he was fed up with Washington and career politicians is that too many people in Washington DC are addicted to OPM--other peoples' money.

So isn't it ironic that we discover this week that Billy Long joined an exclusive Washington social club called the Capitol Hill club using OPM. That's right, The Turner Report broke the story earlier this week, and while most people with thinking skills can see the contradictions right off, the News Leader published an article supporting Long while making the case the blogs were a little tough on Congressman Long earlier this week. I don't think the blogs were tough enough. Here is our Congressman who went to Washington saying he was fed up with everything in Washington, and then quickly embraced the establishment--with OPM.

Turner reported:

Seventh District Congressman Billy Long is so fed up with Washington, that one of the first things he did upon arriving in town is fork over $1,133 for membership in the exclusive Capitol Hill Club, according to his quarterly report, filed Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission.

So campaign contributions went to pay for fed up with career politicians Billy Long to be able to go some place after work where career politicians hang out so he can become one of them. Isn't it ironic, Long used other peoples' money to embrace the same career politicians he once claimed he was fed up with.