
Bob McCarty Writes Points Out Congressman Billy Long Needs Some Media Training

Bob McCarty offers some excellent commentary about the obvious hypocrisy coming from Billy Long's Congressional office and how they deal with members of the press. For the past couple weeks, McCarty has been trying to find out if Congressman Long still owns Billy Long Auctions and his 1/3 share in Murney Associates, which Long promised to sell if he won his seat in Congress. McCarty was blown off by Long's staff claiming Long was only focused on local reporters from Long's home district.

Today, Missouri Press Association member and Long constituent Jim Lee attempted to gain access to a Billy Long press conference and was denied entrance despite showing his credentials. McCarty comments on Long's office and their handling of the media concluding that Long needs some media training.

From Bob McCarty Writes, usually ranked in or near the top 100 conservative blogs in the United States:

For the second time in a week, Congressman Billy Long (R) of Missouri’s 7th Congressional District has refused to answer questions from members of the news media.
On April 14, Long refused — via Bret Funk, his communications staffer — to answer my questions related to claims he made on the campaign trail in November 2009 (i.e., that he would have to sell several business enterprises if he was elected to Congress).  The reason:  “Apologies Bob, we are initially focusing on our district press for media requests.” Even after refusing to converse with me, Congressman Long made the news — both on my blog (see update) and on the virtual pages of Andrew Breitbart’s
On April 19, Long refused to allow Jim Lee, a card-carrying member of theMissouri Press Association from Springfield, Mo. — a city in the heart of Long’s congressional district — to join in a media opportunity held following a session with senior citizens at Experience Works, a jobs program for seniors in Springfield.
This video above puts the spotlight on audio-recorded conversations Lee had with both Long and his handlers prior to being prevented from being a part of the media event.
If you wonder why I’m so suspicious of Long, who claims to be a Tea Party conservative but didn’t bother to join the Tea Party Caucus after winning his seat, watch the video below.  It shows then-candidate Long on the campaign trail in April 2010, answering questions about his relationship with Clay Bowler, the conservative Missouri blogger who became the victim of a Long “witch hunt.”