
Billy Long Receives Admiration From the PGA and WE ARE GOLF National Golf Lobby

Congressman Billy Long may not be doing a lot in Washington to shrink the federal government and he is definitely not proposing spending cuts (probably because he doesn't want to rock the establishment's boat.) Long is receiving a lot of praise from special interest--the same special interest he once assured Southwest Missourians he wouldn't fall prey to.

As the debt ceiling was preparing a breach, Congressman Long thought golf was more important.

Now he is getting praise from the special interest that he said he wasn't going to do the back scratchin' for.

From the PGA Web site:

WE ARE GOLF, a coalition led by five of the game's leading associations and supported by a wide range of industry partners, met with key Members of Congress, April 13, as part of the fourth annual National Golf Day. The coalition was joined on Capitol Hill by representatives of golf's diverse businesses and employees, and delivered messages about the tax revenue golf creates, the tourism it spawns, the charity it generates and the environment stewardship it provides.

The coalition featured various "storytellers" – men and women across the country for whom golf is more than just a game – including PGA/LPGA Professional Renee Powell, the PGA head professional at Clearview Golf Club in East Canton, Ohio; PGA Professional Jim Estes of Olney, Md., the co-founder of Salute Military Golf Association (SMGA); Ret. Staff Sgt. Ramon Padilla, a student of Estes at SMGA; Jay Goughnour, owner, Raccoon Valley Golf Course, Jefferson, Iowa; Dan Clark, owner, Willow Creek Golf Course, West Des Moines, Iowa; and Vicki Miller, president, Virginia Association for Health and Physical Education....

...Following a series of meetings, Rep. Billy Long of Missouri, issued an address from floor of the House of Representatives on the benefits of golf, and spoke about the experience he had witnessing Padilla and how golf "adds great benefits to our country in many ways," including the source of 2 million jobs, charitable contributions and as stewards of the environment.

Thanks for setting your priorities to the important stuff Congressman Long--like which lobbies are writing the checks.