
Congressman Billy Long Continues to Elevate Himself Above the Tea Party

For some reason, Congressman Billy Long thinks he is better than the Tea Party. For the second time in less than a week, Long has elevated himself above the efforts of the Tea Party.

In Springfield earlier this week, while talking to seniors Long was asked why he didn't join the Tea Party caucus. Long said he didn't have the time, and then told the crowd he is more conservative than the Tea Party.

Of course this is the same Congressman Billy Long who voted for the Patriot Act and federal funding of NASCAR teams while co-sponsoring bills that would grown government and give more power to the Department of Homeland Security. Long also handed over an enemies list consisting of his most vocal critics to the FBI and hand them investigated.

Now in the National Journal we see Congressman Long once again elevating himself above the Tea Party for the second time in the week. Long told the National Journal:

I’m probably more tea party than the tea party. In southwest Missouri, we were tea party before tea party was cool. I don’t join caucuses unless I really feel like I have time to devote to them.

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would think of Congressman Long's arrogance. Considering Long's record as a Congressman I think Thomas Jefferson and James Madison would agree with me. Billy Long ain't Tea Party, and the fact he is claiming to be better than the Tea Party is the ultimate evidence of this.