I am saddened that 84% of the country wants Medicare left alone. I am even sadder that Paul Ryan and the Republicans are pushing to reform Medicare rather than phase it out, especially with the projected US spending and debt chart that Mike Church discussed on his show yesterday that shows debt and healthcare spending from the federal government projected to 2080.
You know what’s not popular? Reforming Medicare such that beneficiaries “receive a check or voucher from the government each year for a fixed amount they can use to shop for their own private health insurance policy.” According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 65 percent of Americans oppose the idea -- about the same number who dismissed it in 1995. And if they’re told that the cost of private insurance for seniors is projected to outpace the cost of Medicare insurance for seniors -- which is exactly what CBO projects -- more than 80 percent of Americans oppose the plan.
Once again we see that Americans don't want to make the necessary cuts to ensure the health of our country. They have become dependent on government and its regulation rather than participate in this great experience of self governing that requires self responsibility. It's no wonder freedom is doomed as Americans desire this nanny state, trading freedom for this illusion of security that could be taken away at anytime. Of course Paul Ryan's plan doesn't make deep enough cuts while reforming these entitlements. I am not sure what Americans are worried about. Besides, the Republicans really didn't defeat that Obamacare yet like they promised.