Rand Paul attempted to stop the light bulb madness of the Federal Government a couple weeks ago, but Republicans voted against him. Soon, Americans won't have the freedom to choose which light bulbs they want to use in their homes. Light bulbs will be totally mandated by the federal government.
This is important because a new study shows a link between cancer and the new bulbs the federal government is forcing Americans to use. We already know these things are environmentally dangerous in landfills and if you were to break them in your home. Now there appears to be another cost to use these bulbs.
“German scientists claimed that several carcinogenic chemicals and toxins were released when the environmentally-friendly compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) were switched on, including phenol, naphthalene and styrene,” reports the London Telegraph.
The study, conducted by Peter Braun at the Berlin’s Alab Laboratory, led the scientists involved to warn that the bulbs should only be used sparingly, in areas with good ventilation, and “definitely not in the proximity of the head,” due to the danger of the electrical smog the bulbs generate impacting human health.
So what is the real story with these new bulbs? Why is Congress forcing us to make this change when there appears to be many environmental reasons not to endorse these new bulbs?