
Fed Up Billy Long Judging Art Contest Not Proposing Spending Cuts

Billy Long has been a disappointment in Washington. Despite his conservative claim, Long has been anything but conservative as he has voted to continue frivolous government spending on appropriations like federal funding of NASCAR teams, has been incapable of proposing one spending cut as HR1 was debated, has co-sponsored bills that will increase the size of government and the power of the dangerous Department of Homeland Security that hasn't been a friend the Constitution, and turned in his enemies list to the FBI in his first week in office to have his critics investigated and intimidated. No Long hasn't been very conservative.

But don't worry, Long continues to engage in business as usual in Washington and activities that allow Long to get good press where he can ignore the temptation of the press and bloggers to ask him tough questions. Long will be judging the Missouri 7th Congressional District Art contest on Monday at 1:00 PM--another example of wasteful federal spending throughout the United States--spending Long claimed he was fed up with.

How many tax dollars does it cost Americans to cover the cost of 435 different art contests around the country?

Doesn't Long have more serious business at hand considering news of the breach of the federal debt ceiling has intensified?

I guess those things don't matter. Billy has an art contest tomorrow.

I wonder when Long will actually begin proposing spending cuts rather than judge art contests and propose things like National Auctioneer Day.