
MSG Ronnie White Takes Congressman Billy Long to Task on International Baccalaureate

The International Baccalaureate consists of a hidden agenda. It's radical left connections to the United Nations and the Earth Charter provides an anti-American agenda that all parents should be concerned about. In Ozark, Missouri, JROTC instructor Ronnie White has taken to the streets to battle the introduction of the IB curriculum into Ozark schools.

Recently he tried to get Congressman Billy Long to pick a side after Long stated during the campign that he believes schools should have local control of their curriculum. In a form letter sent to multiple residents of the Ozark community, who wrote Long experessing their concerns, including White, Long plays both sides of the fence basically saying local school districts have the right to sacrifice more control, even to an international body.

Now White is taking Long to task, challenging Long again on the IB.

April 24, 2011

Representative Billy Long,

This letter is addressed to Representative Long. It is my hope that his staff places it in his hands to read. I can not I appreciate your response to my contacting you about the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). Why you ask? Because your response was a form letter or automatic response on the subject that you also sent to another 7th District Constituent, Mr. Rod Hunt. I would prefer that you address my concerns personally, as my Representative. If you can not do so, then simply inform me that you have no time for my concern or me. At least that would be honest, instead of trying to play both sides of the fence. Let me explain what I mean by playing both sides of the fence.

In the first paragraph you try to inform me as to what the IBO is all about! A little presumptuous on your part, seeing how I have been researching IB for sometime now and you and your staff probably had never heard of the program until I contacted you. The first paragraph is right out of the IBO playbook for supporters of the program. So from this paragraph I ascertain that you believe IB is a fine program for American Schools if that is what parents and teachers want no matter the cost or the ideology.

In the second paragraph you state that “America’s education system does not currently meet the standards that we demand and expect of our children.” First of all who is “we?” I must assume you mean Congress. Which standards are not being met Federal, State, Local? Ozark High School’s Annual Yearly Performance evaluation (State Standards) for School Year ending 2010 accomplished the following:

* 94.5 % attendance
* 92 % graduation rate, State average 85.7 %
* 0.7 % drop out rate
* 39.7 % of graduating seniors entered a 4 year college
* 31.1 % of graduating seniors entered a 2 year college
* 87.7 % placement of career-technical education students
* 23.9 was the composite ACT score, with 50.4 % of graduates taking the ACT

The Annual Proficiency Target in Communication Arts was set by the State at 67.4; Ozark High School exceeded that with their proficiency rating of 80.8, with the State average being 53.6

The Annual Proficiency Target for Mathematics was set by the State at 63.3; Ozark High School exceeded that with their proficiency rating of 73.6, with the State average being 52.7

So your blanket statement doesn’t fit Ozark High School. All State standards were met or exceeded.

You also state that “Our schools should promote our unique American culture which unites us all on the basis of a shared ideology of personal liberty, economic freedom, and equality before the law. America’s children should be able to stand firmly on the traditions and knowledge of our past as they shape a bright future for our nation.” These two sentences are the evidence that you or your aids conducted no researched on IBO. Just a short preview of the IBO web site or the web site would have shown you that IBO’s intentions are all global! IBO wants to develop International mindedness and global citizens not Americanism! When you say equality before the law, which law are you referring to? Those espoused by the United Nations through IB or the U.S. Constitution? What should Americans look forward to, their rights guaranteed in the Constitution or the United Nations Human Rights Agenda? In September 2005 at the Biennial Conference of IB Nordic Schools held in Stockholm, Sweden, IBO’s George Walker presented Marie-Therese Maurette (Director of the International School of Geneva 1948) ideas on International education. Mr. Walker stressed “Maurette …urges teachers to play down the whole concept of nationality, either as a source of pride or of pity. Let’s avoid all sentimentality, she says. She then argues the case for a new kind of geography which puts students into contact with the whole world before they ever see a map of their own country.” She had equally radical ideas about history which, she insisted, should not be taught before age 12 if it was to avoid becoming a gallery of dubious national heroes. I don’t believe our history to be full of dubious national heroes, do you? All I can say is if you support this program at any level, this is what you will be supporting.

In your third paragraph you state “ I also believe that control over our children’s education should be in the hands of local parents and teachers. A one-size fits all education program handed down by federal bureaucrats or congressional decree will never succeed in providing the kind of education that our children need.” But yet you think it is all right if an International education program that supports the United Nations Human Rights Agenda, the Earth Charter, Secular Humanism as a religion and UN Agenda 21 is all right at the local level. Even if it is forced on district patrons at the behest of a school board with patrons in disagreement with that choice!

You have not appeased me, nor will I allow you to sweep me under the carpet! I will continue to take the Ozark School Board to task on this issue and you as well, seeing how it is fast becoming a national issue. The Department of Education supports IB and has allocated millions of dollars for implementation. One of your platform agendas was to do away with this department and return education to local control. Local control is handed over to International bodies with the IBO. This is an opportunity to take the Department of Education to task! This would be substantial legislation unlike NASCAR, Auctioneers and Golf. You would do well to have your staff research the IBO, it’s cost to local school districts, states and the nation, as well as it’s real mission! It is outrageous that our National Representatives are not informed on this issue!

“A politician can afford to lose if he/she deserves to win, better than a politician can afford to win if he/she deserve to loose.” Harry Atwood


Ronnie L White
MSG (Ret), USA