
First National Auctioneer Day, Now National Golf Day: Billy Long the Ambassador of Federally Recognized Days

Billy Long is showing how fed up with he is in DC once again. Having not proposed one dime in spending cuts during his first few months in Congress, while voting to ensure the federal government continues to fund NASCAR teams, Billy Long seems more like an ambassador of federally observed days rather than a fed up Congressman looking to cut rising deficits in Washington.

Here's Billy Long on the House floor, sounded winded again with his typical dose of self-promotion, talking about why Congress should recognize National Golf Day.

Billy Long is becoming a bigger joke in Congress than I even imagined. Not only is he promoting golf in this video on the House floot, but considering his ethos and his out of breath speaking, doesn't anyone find it funny he is encouraging a good workout too? Long obviously doesn't walk to anywhere but the buffet line, which is like seven miles to him if the waitress places him at the farthest table from the main entrĂ©es on the buffet.

I wonder what the Joplin Globe thinks of Long now. They were already fed up after his speech to recognize National Auctioneers Day, but National Golf Day, especially coming at time when Long already voted against funding the military.