Seriously GOP? This is the best you can do? Mitt Romney and Donald Trump for president?
It appears these two may beat each other up so bad during the primary that voters may get turned off and we might actually discover a real conservative to pass Ronald Reagan's torch to.
Yesterday, Donald Trump began blasting Mitt Romney because his wallet is smaller than Trumps.
"I'm a much bigger businessman and have a much, much bigger net worth. I mean my net worth is many, many, many times Mitt Romney," Trump told CNN's Candy Crowley yesterday.
"Well, Mitt Romney is a basically small-business guy, if you really think about it. He was a hedge fund. He was a funds guy. He walked away with some money from a very good company that he didn't create. He worked there. He didn't create it," Trump said.
Isn't it sad how American politics have evolved in the post-Reagan world? Look at me, look at me. That's what both Trump and Romney represent--as does Obama. Like the New York Post says, Trump is asking us to vote for him because his wallet is fatter.
I don't like either of these two and refuse to vote for Republicans anymore that I have to hold my nose in order to catch a ballot.