
So Where is that Law That Says You Have to Pay Federal Income Taxes?

Yesterday was April 15, but thanks to an IRS mistake, April 18 is April 15 this year. Which means you still have a couple more days to pay that tax on your labor instigated by the corrupt Congress of 1913 and Woodrow Wilson, who didn't take the Founders Red Pill and developed a central bank known as the Federal Reserve who receives the taxes on your labor, and then lends the money to the federal government to operate. Of course, they are paid interest on this in return.

A couple years ago, a friend recommended I take a look at Aaron Russo's documentary, Freedom to Facism, that exposes the corruption of how the Federal Reserve works and exposes something using former IRS agents that went looking for it themselves--the law that says you are required to pay federal income taxes.

Russo has interviewed many former IRS agents who left the tax thuggery business because they couldn't find the law. I tested this and spent a few hours on the phone with the IRS asking them to send me the exact law that says I am forced to pay a labor tax, and at first they thought I was crazy. After a that wore off, I got the same response. They couldn't direct me to the exact law, which is what these former IRS agents claim they couldn't provide either.

Check out the documentary and decide for yourself.