
Are Republicans Ready to Raise Taxes?: Yes According to Saxby Chambliss

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) is outlining the next compromise with Congressional Democrats. It appears Republicans may be ready to cave on the issues of taxes. We know they aren't serious about cutting spending, so it appears they are looking to Democrats for leadership when it comes to tax policy.

Chambliss admitted Senate Republicans are ready to throw out years of fighting against tax increases according to the New York Times:

Mr. Chambliss has been increasingly outspoken in arguing that additional revenues must be part of a debt-reduction plan, given the scale of the problem.

“I’m taking arrows from some on the far right,” he told the Rotary Club of Atlanta in an appearance with Mr. Warner on Monday. “Are some people going to pay more in taxes? You bet.”

The far right? It appears Senator Chambliss has distanced himself to turn us into the 'far right' by moving leftward. Are you paying attentions Tea Party?