Much of our country was outraged last week when video was leaked on the Internet of the TSA putting a six year old girl through a groping and drug test before she boarded the plane.
The groping has now turned into a joke on the Sean Hannity show. Sean Hannity says the TSA can do anything they want to him, more proof Hannity isn't a supporter of freedom. Hannity says he doesn't care when it comes to the groping and fondling. He appears to have a little discomfort when it comes to the six year old girl.
Comedian Paul Mecurio, who works with John Stewart’s Daily Show, appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, defending the groping of 6 year-old girl at the hands of TSA. Mecurio said, “Adjustments Have To Be Made For A New World Order.”
I would be a little perplexed by Hannity's casualness about this infringement upon freedom, but then again, George W. Bush could do no wrong in Hannity's world. Of course, this is all a direct result of George W. Bush pushing the Patriot Act through and developing the Department of Homeland Security thereafter.
The only argument I can support in this comes from the man on the far left who recites Benjamin Franklin's famous quote about sacrificing liberty.