Claire Mama Caskill is travelling Missouri hosting several education round table discussions. There is just one catch. As more parents are becoming more concerned with the quality of their child's education and the possibility of indoctrination with views and values that should be left out of the classroom that often oppose what is taught at home, Mama Caskill has closed the meetings off and residents of the communities are not invited to provide input and participate in these forums. So much for being "We the People," right Claire?
The Missouri Education Watchdog reports:
Senator Claire McCaskill will be hosting several Education Roundtable Discussions across the state in order to obtain input and a clearer perspective from educators, administrators and parents with regard to our nation’s education policy. Due for reauthorization, The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, sometimes referred to as No Child Left Behind, will be a hot topic in Congress later this year. These Roundtable discussions are not open to the public, and it is the intention of Senator McCaskill for members of local PTA’s to make up the audience. (emphasis added)