Congressman Duncan Hunter sure knows how to further damage that plagues the Republican party. No longer really the conservative party of Reagan, the neocons have taken the party and made it look more like a moderate version of the Democrats--a party of big spenders. Now California's Duncan Hunter reveals his vision of the Republican party on Fox News.
“I would love a conservative dictatorship,” said Hunter, “where we can dictate everything.” Hunter made his comment while discussing budget cuts and a government shut down.
Mr. Hunter, a dictatorship is anything but constitutionally conservative. What is wrong with you people in Washington? A dictatorship? Seriously? Have you not been paying attention to the lessons the Founding Fathers taught?
I think it's dangerous to combine the words conservative and dictator and does nothing to push the ideas of conservatism. Some of you Congress critters need to learn to shut your mouth. As much as I am a conservative, I cringe with Hunter's words just like I cringe know Obama's brand of liberalism has become more of a dictatorship than anything resembling the limited powers of the Presidency described in Article II of our Constitution.