Dancing With the Stars Karina Smirnoff Poses Naked for PETA
The smut peddlers at PETA are at it again. They have taken from the wholesome image of the Dancing with the Stars and decided to push their radical animal rights and global warming agenda one more time on the public using sex yet again. The radical PETA believes they can gain minions by asking women to take off their clothes and pose while saying something cute and cuddly about animals.
This time Dancing with the Stars Karina Smirnoff poses naked for PETA. Sexy right? Then look at what PETA is trying to cover up by asking stars to get naked.
The truth is PETA wants nothing more than to prevent you from being able to enjoy animal products like steaks and hamburgers at your dinner table. In fact, there is a movement in the United Nations, which I am sure PETA supports, that would give every animal and bug the same rights the UN believes humans have.