
Sarah Palin Scolds Congressional GOP Members Over Compromise

In Missouri's Seventh District where I live, Congressman Billy Long came home for a Lincoln Day event bragging about the $100 billion in cuts he claimed Congress was ready to pass. "We got 'er done," Long said. Then he compared the $100 billion, which was really $61 billion that got reduced to $38 billion the equivalent of throwing deck furniture off the Titanic. Well, Sarah Palin isn't impressed. It's almost as if she picked up on Long's sound bite in order to scold him and the Republicans in the House for failing to deliver the $100 billion in spending cuts.

"We didn’t elect you just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic," Palin said during a rally in front of the Wisconsin statehouse in Madison. "What we need from you, GOP, is to fight." Pointing to the national champion University of Wisconsin women's hockey team, Palin said the GOP could learn from its resolve and “needs to learn how to fight like a girl."

"Then after some politics as usual and accounting gimmicks we found out — ya know that $38 billion? We’re actually borrowing that $38 billion," Palin said. "That is not courage, that is capitulation."