
Rand Paul Attacks Paul Ryan's Budget

Rand Paul issued his harshest words yet for Paul Ryan's budget plans. As you know the budget only cuts $500 billion per year, despite John Boehner's $5 trillion in cuts words. The cuts are done over a span of ten years, and do little to cut the bloated defense budget while REFORMING unconstitutional federal entitlements.

Rand Paul has had to do a balancing act, hoping to shed some light in on the error the GOP's ways while still showing support for the overall agenda that he hopes will lead to spending cuts from the Republicans. Paul offered his harshest words yet on Ryan's budget and the fact the Republicans are going to have to raise the debt ceiling after compromising with Democrats.

“I don’t want to keep giving an irresponsible government more money,” the Kentucky Republican said. “Somebody needs to stand up and say, ‘The Emperor has no clothes.’

“We aren’t reforming the system, we’re still heading head-long towards a debt crisis,”Paul said.