
17-Year-Old High School Football Player Cut From Team for Participating in Breast Cancer Month Back on Team

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I am the first to admit that October in the NFL seems a little over the top. Rather than just stick a pink ribbon on the helmets of the players in an effort to raise awareness for breast cancer, the uniforms become highlighted in pink in every possible way that doesn't conflict with the NFL's rules on team uniforms--including pink cleats. You know what they say, real men wear pink, but it just doesn't look right on the football field.

However, the next story should upset everyone who loves freedom. 17 year old Coy Sheppard was kicked off his high school football team for wearing pink cleats to participate in breast cancer awareness month. The cleats were given to him by his grandmother who is a survivor.

After controversy followed, he is back on the team. Of course, the season is probably over. Sheppard attends Mendenhall High School.