
The TSA is Going to Feel Your Junk Whether You Like It or Not

The TSA has responded to its latest controversy. On Saturday, a TSA screener was told by a would-be passenger, "you touch my junk and I am going to have you arrested." Apparently, the TSA isn't backing down event with labels of sexual molesters and threats of pressing charges against the TSA for sexual assault. In fact, the TSA is coming out swinging.


Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- In response to a video of a California man's dispute with airport security officials, the Transportation Security Administration said Monday it tries to be sensitive to individuals, but everyone getting on a flight must be screened.

The video, in which software engineer John Tyner refuses an X-ray scan at the San Diego, California, airport, has sparked a debate over screening procedures.

Tyner told CNN Sunday that he was surprised to see so many people take an interest in his refusal, and the dispute with airport screeners that followed it. But he said he hoped the video will focus attention on what he calls a government invasion of privacy.

"Obviously, everybody has their own perspective about their personal screening," TSA official John Pistole told CNN. "The question is, how do we best address those issues ... while providing the best possible security?"

A $10,000 fine in the land of the free for hoping to opt out of a Soviet Union like checkpoint at the airport.