
Socialized Medicine in England Using Smokers Lungs and HIV Infected Tissue for Its Patients

Oh yes, government healthcare is a miracle of good science! Good grief! I have been to a hospital in England, and trust me, you wouldn't want to be sick there. Back then it was for the pure discomfort of having to be sick in a huge ward, which I visited my great grandfather in. Now, you really don't want to have anything to do with the pathetic English health system.

This from Jonathan Seidl:

What happens in Britain when the list of people needing organs is longer than the list people willing to donate them? The donees get “high risk” organs, like when 28-year-old Lyndsey Scott received the lungs of a 30-a-day smoker and died five months later.

“Desperate transplant patients are being given the lungs of chain smokers because the NHS is so short of organ donations,” London’s Daily Mail reports. “Surgeons are also being forced to use diseased body parts from cancer sufferers, drug addicts and the very elderly.”

The newspaper also reports that doctors are using tissue from those more at risk of carrying HIV and Hepatitis C, “such as gay men and drug users.”

“In an ideal world you would rather have lungs from 20-year-old healthy people who have never smoked, but that isn’t a luxury we have,” Professor James Neuberger, associate medical director of the NHS Blood and Transplant agency, told the Mail. “You have to say do you get a lung with more risk or do you get no lung? That sounds crude and brutal but it is the reality.”

“If I were to put it to you or a member of your family that there was a 50 per cent chance of transmitting a virus or a 100 per cent of dying, it will come down to the balance of risk.”