
Billy Long Must be Worried the Republican Party is Divided Over His Victory: Reelection Campaign Begins 9 Days After Election

Billy Long must know the primary challenges are coming. The Republican party must be divided over his nomination and his election win, and he knows he will be challenged and hit hard in the coming two years by his own party. Perhaps, some allegations that surfaced in the 2010 election will come back to haunt Mr. Long as well. Considering a Democrat couldn't get elected in Southwest Missouri even with the endorsement of Jesus Christ, Billy Long's re-election notice nine days after the election is self-admittance he is a weak candidate in my opinion.

The Missouri State University Political Science Department sent out an e-mail today, just nine days after the election, alerting poli sci students there are internship opportunities available with Billy Long's reelection campaign. That's right, nine days after the election and Billy "I'm not a career politician" Long is already working on his reelection campaign. He hasn't even started freshman orientation.

Let's face it. The writing is on the wall. Billy Long knows the next primary is going to be tough, and all these fed up promises and character issues are going to come back to haunt him if he were to face a well-funded challenger without the convenience of a nine man field to split apart key geographic areas in the Seventh. You can be sure the county committees who weren't thrilled about Long will make sure there isn't a crowded primary as they work to defeat the man who can't even speak coherently about free trade.