
Stop Touching Me: Three Year Old Harassed by TSA in 2009

They keep coming at this three-year-old girl in this video taken in 2009. This little girl was coming home from a family vacation, and look at how the TSA continues to torture this child, who is absolutely frantic while being touched by TSA thugs.

This video shows just how bad it is for children, who once enjoyed the excitement of flying off to places like Disney World. Kids shouldn't have to go through this. This is what we expected when we heard stories about the Soviet Union--not the United States land of the free. It's really a sad day in America, and Big Sis Janet Napolitano is promising more government and more intrusive security at the airport. The problem is, I don't hear too many concerned republicans in this new class of Congressmen speaking out against the government. That's got to change.