
Pleiadian Aliens Shot Down California Missile and Saved the United States from War With Iran on Monday

Pleiadians shot down the California missile to save the United States from war with Iran. OK... OK...?

Colleen Thomas (Roseville, CA) communicates with these Pleiadians, and they shot down a missile launch ordered by Barack Obama against Iran. Ok... Ok...?

This comes across as a real news story. At first I thought it was going to be parody, but I think this woman might actually believe this. The story is from RT America. Their mission is to report on the other side of the story, not making any conclusions, but raising the unanswered questions. They broadcast from Washington DC.

See, I told you. I think they may be actually trying to produce a serious news story. Please correct me if I am wrong. There is a lot of cult like but serious information on the Internet about the Pleiadians, and as well, this woman just did a huge disservice to Glenn Beck who is looking at the New World Order as a real possibility with his expose on George Soros.