
Hillary Clinton Gives $150 Million of Our Money to the Palestinian Authority

Aren't we broke? Aren't we facing a $14 trillion deficit? Aren't we paying over $50 billion a month just on the interest payments on the federal debt? So why is Hillary Clinton announcing the Obama administration is going to give the Palestinian Authority $150 million in federal aid?

Earlier, Clinton announced that the United States has transferred $150 million in new aid to the Palestinian Authority to help close its budget gap.

"This new funding will help the Palestinian Authority pay down its debt, continue to deliver services and security to its people, and keep the progress going," she said. "It will support our work together to expand Palestinians' access to schools, clinics and clean drinking water in both the West Bank and Gaza [Strip]."

The secretary of state said the funds bring U.S. direct budget assistance to the Palestinian Authority to $225 million this year. Overall support and investment to the Palestinians is nearly $600 million for the year.

What about paying down our debt? Is that not important enough as we enslave our people to more taxes and risk the security of our Republic with a debt we may not ever be able to pay back to countries like China who hope to one day see the end of our existence as a state?