
Washington Has Gone to His Frickin' Head: Billy Long Goes to Washington

I remember a quote that Cory De Vera included in her profile of Billy Long. "I don't run to a microphone every time it's offered, I don't run to a TV camera every time it's offered," said Long.

Yet today, Billy Long has had no problems finding the microphones of NPR, CNN, Fox News, the Daily Caller, and I am sure a number of other news sources that Google Alerts will soon notify of. Yes, Billy Long didn't want to run to the microphones when voters were paying attention in Southwest Missouri in fear of saying something stupid or exposing his lack of political knowledge, but he has no problems finding a microphone in Washington, DC to day something stupid. It's going to his head--I'm tellin' ya!

The following quote was just aired on National Public Radio according to Busplunge blogger Jim Lee. As you will soon figure out, Billy Long can say a whole lot of nothing with a lot of words.

“If you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got and if we keep doin’ the way things have been done in Washington, how can we expect anything different?”

Of course, Billy Long quickly embraced the Republican establishment kind of like he is embracing the microphones that somehow wind up in his face, meaning he is supporting the same key ingredients that were influential in Republicans losing their way not too long ago.

Anyway, just thought it was worth pointing out, it appears Washington has already gone to Billy's frickin' head! He appears to be loving the camera and the microphone despite his claims otherwise.