
New Jersey Legislators Say TSA is Violating the Constitution: New Jersey Takes on the TSA

Enough is enough. The New Jersey State House is introducing legislation today to fight the TSA. During a press conference a representative from New Jersey said the check points are unconstitutional and contrary to what the TSA believes, you don't sacrifice you Constitutional rights just because you step into an airport. Amen my brother from another mother!

The second speaker at the press conference discusses the radiation hazards from the machines. She says there will be cancers that develop from the process. Then she attacks the pat downs which includes the hands on the genitals.

Let's hear it for New Jersey for leading the nation against the soft tyranny of the TSA checkpoints.

The third speaker is from the ACLU, who I rarely agree with, but agree with on this issue. She points out these oppressive checkpoints don't reduce the risk of terrorism. She also points out how aggressive TSA agents could use the technology to legally sexual harass beautiful women.